Now I like this site and I'm starting to see my numbers improving, what bothers me is this email. They've created some lame super hero type bullshit character who's suppose to randomly go around to websites and give tips or some shit about how Infolinks can make money for their site.......okay fair enough up to this point. In this email they showed a video (it'll be below) of this character going to none other then Perez Hilton's fucking blog. And wait it gets better still. The computer animated fuck stick starts bag licking about how great the site is and how Infolinks can make Perez a tonne of cash. But here's the best part of the whole fucking deal.....THEY WANT INFOLINKS USERS TO COMMENT ON HIS BLOG AND TELL HIM THAT HE SHOULD SIGN UP TO THIS SITE.
I fucking hate spam, I don't want some fucking glue bag trying to spam shit to me. I've been lucky on this blog so far and have only had two incidents. The first was for some Asian porn site, and while these fuckers must have read my mind since I have a weak spot when it comes to Asian women ( As if the pictures of Lucy Liu weren't an indication ). And after a couple hours of "examining" this site I deleted their comment, it wasn't even that good of a site there are better ones that are free. The second was some dip shit with a blog advertising about bashing women which really pissed me off because I think that's total crap.
So here's a fucking site that wants me and everyone else to send off spam for their benefit, I don't think so. I'm sorry but I'm not going to do it and get people pissed off at me and possibly block future comments from me because I sent them one of these messages. The only reason why there doing this is because they know that if they did it themselves they would get shit on. People remember spam and not in the good way, people would unsubscribe and avoid the site altogether and they would loose money. So instead they insulate themselves and get everyone else to do their bullshit for them.
I'm not going to unsubscribe but I sure as fuck am not going to do this and anybody wanting to use this site to generate income might want to think twice. The video below dosen't show it, but on thier website it cleary shows that they want you to visit this site and leave a comment telling Perez Hilton all about the wonders of Infolinks and all that shit.
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Olivia Wilde
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