1. Fat guys covered in hair who wear speedo's..........are you for fucking real this is by far one of the most disgusting things I've ever had to see
2. Diet cola, it's worse for you then regular cola, it tastes like stale piss with sugar and it doesn't even have fucking sugar.........what the fuck is the point
3. Non alcholoic beer, again why bother and just buy the real stuff. Seriously if you don't want alcohol buy some fucking apple juice and pretend to be drunk you fucking pussy.
4. Fat chicks who wear spandex, do you not know how ridiculous you look. It's like watching someone try to squeeze a watermelon into a zip lock bag.
5. Blue tooth as if cell phones don't piss me off enough
6. Cheesy pick up lines at bars, do you really think that women are actually impressed with this shit I'm frankly surprised that more of them don't get beaten with a beer bottle when you use these.
7. Pointless text messages, fuck I hate these
8. Socks and sandals, this just looks fucking gay no way around it
9. White guys who think their black guys, look in a fucking mirror dumb ass
10. People who ask questions to things they already know.......................somebody punch these fuckers in the face please.
11. Japanese animation, simply put what the fuck
12. Tourists who think a bright neon fucking pink fanny pack is cool or will hide their money
13. Tweens who like Miley Cyrus and all that other pop shit
14. Americans who think Canada is permanently covered in snow and ice and that we all own dog sled teams and know Jack or Bill from Thunder Bay.
15. Tofu
16. People who think David Hasselhoff is a talented singer
17. People who like the Twilight movies..........I fucking hate vampires that sparkle
18. Women who are 45 but try to act like there still 15
19. The fat fuck at McDonald's who orders 20 cheeseburgers and thinks that if he gets a diet coke he might loose weight.
20. Pride and Prejudice
21. People who hate bacon
22. Guys who think it's still 1950 and that women belong in the kitchen
23. So called educated fucks who use big words the rest of the word doesn't know to try to make themselves look more important.
24. People who spend most of their lives playing World Of Warcraft
25. People who spend more then what they earn and then are confused about why they have no fucking money.
26. Trekkies who insist on going out in public dressed as Klingons from Uranus
27. The word yogurt
28. Valley girls, ya know like totally..............SHUT YOUR FUCKING PIE HOLE !!!!!!!!!!
29. People who say "That's hot"
30. People who don't know who Clint Eastwood is............I mean really he's only one of the fucking greatest actors/directors in the fucking universe.
31. Those that think wrestling is real
32. Politicians when can't understand why people hate them.
33. People who wear socks up to their fucking knees when wearing shorts
34. Spam
35. Dogs that can fit in purses
36. People who fall for obvious stupid fucking scams
37. People who do the same fucking thing over and over but then bitch because their expecting something different to happen each time.........yeah their fucking morons.
38. People who stand in the middle of the fucking way but can't figure out why people get pissed off at them.
39. The government, enough said
40. People who use chewing tobacco, it's a fucking disgusting habit especially when they store there spit in a clear bottle like a fucking trophy. It looks like runny shit.
41. Tweeny chick flicks
42. People who tell boring stories for like 20 fucking minutes and don't realize that nobody is paying attention to them and would rather watch paint dry while masturbating with sandpaper.
43. People who actually listen to Ricky Martin
44. Smurfs
45. Guys who think blasting Millie Vanillie from a cassette deck in their Pinto will help them get laid.
46. Glitter
47. People who use the word buttocks instead of ass............c'mon your not going to hell for saying ass you fucks.
48. People who get lost while using a GPS even though it's programmed correctly
49. People who don't know when to shut the fuck up.
50. People who bitch about every fucking thing imaginable when they have no excuse to complain because their a spoiled little fuck.
So there's my little list, hope you enjoyed. And if you haven't made your way over to the other blog I co-write on (Two Foul Mouthed Fuckers just in case you forgot) there's a new post up, so check it out.
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