You ever have one of those days where it seems that the assholes of the world just want to fuck with you’re shit? Well today was one of those days for me. Now I have to admit the majority of the day went alright, I mean no goofy shit happened, no birds shit on me, and no assholes on a cell phone almost ran over me. However there was an ass clown who kicked my dog.
Yeah kicked my fucking dog……….you want me to do drill sergeant on you’re ass faster then a fat kid on a smartie, do something mean to my dog and see what happens.
Here’s how it went down:
Usually in the afternoon I like to take my dog for a quick walk before going home, my apartment doesn’t allow dogs so he stays with my ex until I can get a pet friendly place. I’m not even ten minutes from her place when I walk past some bitter middle aged ass fuck and his dumpy dorky looking wife (I think that was his wife). Anyways this guy is grouchy and bitching about who knows what, because he was swearing about something. As I’m walking past my dog catches the scent of something and gets closer to this asshole, who in turn boots my dog.
Now before you start to ask “Why didn’t you control you’re dog?’ he was on a four foot leash he moved only a few inches towards this guy. He’s also not a mean vicious looking animal, sure if he was a big 100 lb German Sheppard, or large breed dog like that I could understand the guy being startled and wanting that animal away from him.
MY DOG IS 20 FUCKING POUNDS OF FLUFF FOR FUCK’S SAKE. He might be a foot and half tall if he stands on his back legs,
AND HE AINT FUCKING VICIOUS. He’s a cross between a Shi Tzu, Cocker Spaniel, and Poodle, not exactly a Pit Bull for fuck’s sake.
When this turd kicked my dog he gave him a sharp boot that caused him to yelp, not loudly like he was started, but a low grunt yelp that I could tell hurt him. Needless to say I was fucking pissed off royally, I tried to keep my cool though I really did.
I calmly turned around looked this turd in the eye and asked him “Did you just kick my dog?”
Turd replied “Yeah I kicked you’re dog keep the little shit controlled, he’s out of control”
20 Fucking pounds is out of control?? What glue is this pussy bitch sniffing? I took a step closer and he tries to kick my dog a second time, this time as I’m watching him. Well………
NOW I LOOSE MY SHIT. I get right in his face and yell at this turd not to fucking touch my dog. I go to point my finger in his face and he moves his face closer, this resulted in my finger scratching near his left eye and jabbing him in the eyeball which drew blood (not his eye but near it….the assholes eye is fine)
And guess what he does next?
He starts swearing and sissy kicking me like he’s a 5 year old girl trying not to get kooties,
I won’t lie I wanted to pound this shit’s face into the sidewalk and turn him into a greasy smear right in front of his wife and I wouldn’t loose a minute of sleep afterwards. I held back thought attempting to keep the higher ground, after all he was already bleeding from my finger of all fucking things I didn’t want to watch a grown man cry. I turn around to walk away in disgust, and guess what he does………
HE KICKS ME IN THE ASS. Not only is this a cowardly move, but he kicks like a pussy bitch. I kicked harder when I was 5 then he did, he didn’t even get my jeans dirty.
I spin around and get right back in his face, something he wasn’t expecting. Also being about half a foot taller and much bigger then him this immediately scared him because he began to cower where he stood. I dared him to try to kick me again, he refused. I dared him three more times, each time that cowardly fuck back up, once almost tripping over his own feet. At this point his wife was saying shit in the background and a crowd had formed all yelling at me thinking I’m picking on some middle aged guy. Of course it’s easy for those fucks to yell at me because they don’t have a clue as to what’s going on, and only got interested because I was the loudest person out there.
I don’t fucking care how much money you have or how important
YOU THINK YOU ARE you never……..
NEVER kick somebody’s dog, not a harmless fluff ball like mine. All because he sniffed something near this assholes feet. Would it have been so fucking hard to say something like “Excuse me can you keep you’re dog away from me please.” Is that really so hard to do. Will his head burst into flames if he says something like that and tries to treat others with respect? If he had said something like that I would have had no problems with that at all, I would have even apologized for my dog’s actions. Instead he pissed off this ex army fucker who knows a thing or two about unarmed combat and has no problems with using those skills.
AND I SURE AS HELL AM NOT GOING TO TAKE ANY SHIT FROM A PUSSY LITTLE PENCIL PUSHING BITCH. Even if he was a big guy my reaction would be the same, I don’t tolerate that kind of shit, not from anybody.
This is my dog, as you can see he's not exactly a vicious killer attack dog....he's a big fucking suck. Any asshole that wants to kick him has something wrong upstairs, and is going to be dealing with a very pissed off Wolf.
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