For the first order of business I feel I need to give a special shout out to two very cool, very kick ass, and two fucking outstanding blogs that if you don’t check out after this post then you should invest some cash in a blue hockey helmet and go look for you’re baseball. I mean c’mon we all know the internet is for porn but that’s no excuse to not check these two blogs out.
The two blogs in question are One Crazy Brunette Chick and Psycho Carnival, and like I said earlier if you don’t take some time and check out these two blogs, well you might be shall we say a LITTLE SLOW because if you’re willing to pass up checking out these two blogs then you need you’re fucking head examined. You might also need a boot to the ass and you’re lunch money stolen, that and if you don’t their all going to laugh at you. There links are posted to the right of this post in the links section, in my bog-roll, and there buttons are both in the middle right of the column so that should pretty much eliminate any fucking excuse not to. Take it from me these blogs will make you a smarter more balanced human being……okay well not exactly but you get the picture THEIR FUCKING AWSOME
The next article on the list is that I am fucking stoked to announce that there is going to be a new blog on the scene. This blog will be a collaboration of two of the greatest fucking minds in the fucking universe myself and CB (Crazy Brunette for short in case you didn’t know). This blog isn’t finished just yet, I know you’ll have to stick to cold showers for a little bit but trust me on this the wait will be worth it, just like banging the prom queen, or seeing you‘re friends hot mom naked for the first time. Of course once the blog goes live I’ll be sure to have the link posted here so you can see just how fucking awesome it will be. The new blog is called TWO FOUL MOUTHED FUCKERS, for some additional info CB has a post up on her blog, so now you have another excuse to visit the two blogs I mentioned.
As I mentioned above this will either be my last or second last post until I’m settled into my new place, which will give me a shit load of more personal freedom and space to do what the fuck I want, and being a slightly bitter and sometimes anti-social fucker such as myself having my own space that I don’t have to share with a roommate is always a bonus. So I should be back up and operational by Tuesday if all goes well. Of course that’s if all goes well, and knowing how things usually turn out that means that God is going to have a field day on my ass and fuck my shit up royally. You remember that movie American History X when Edward Norton is in the shower and gets raped by that big fucking Nazi. Well kiddies that big fucking Nazi is God and I’m Edward Norton about to get the shaft (literally)………of course that would be the worst case scenario. Hopefully all goes smooth as fucking silk, and I’ll be back up in no time.
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Charisma Carpenter
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