Okay time to be serious for a change a friend and fellow blogger Gucci Mama is dealing with some painful things right now. Frankly I'm not very good at describing what's going on, I've tried for a little over an hour and....well I'm at a loss for words for a change. Below is a part of her post, I thought her words would describe what's going on better then me.
"I've known Renee a few years. Though I've moved out of state and we haven't seen each other in quite sometime, I just love her. She is sweet and loyal and smart and talented and strong. She is a giver, a fixer, a helper. Her heart is as beautiful as her face. She loves fiercely, she works without ceasing, and she sacrifices without complaint.
And her husband has been diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer. He was the sole breadwinner and is now too sick to work. We all know the state of the economy. We all know how difficult it is to find work and to complicate things for Renee, willing as she is to do whatever she must to keep her family afloat while her husband fights for his life, she homeschools her three children, one of whom is autistic. She's been a homemaker for so many years and when employers have the luxury of choice, as they do now, they are not interested in a woman who's been out of the workforce so long.
They have lost their house. They are currently living in an RV in the parking lot of the hospital where her husband is being treated. Because they have no running water, Renee and her children are going to Sassy's house, which is thankfully close by, week after week to fill buckets and jugs with fresh water. The children are growing rapidly out of their clothes, and the clothes they do have are becoming worn with use.
Right now the hospital is generously allowing them to keep their RV in the parking lot and use their electricity, but this is a temporary solution to what is rapidly becoming a permanent problem. And winter is coming. Montana winters are cruel and long.
The amazing thing about Renee is, she remains hopeful. She finds the good in the midst of this nightmare she faces. She squares her shoulders and raises her chin in the face of this overwhelming adversity even though the stress of this situation must be almost intolerable. She is holding her family together, taking care of her husband, teaching her children, and trying to make a home out of a travel trailer parked in a hospital parking lot while stretching six hundred dollars a month to feed and clothe a family of five."
Anyways the deal is this.....her friend is in dire need of help and she's trying to get her that help through donations on her blog, not just money through Pay Pal but gift certificates or items such as clothing for the family and their kids. Obviously I'm not going to force anyone to donate, times are tough for a lot of people including myself. But if you want and are able to help every bit would make a huge difference in this family's life, frankly they could really use a break right now.
If you want to know more or donate you can visit her blog, it's listed on my blog roll to the right or just click the link here MAMA STILL WEARS GUCCI.
Oh, Wolfey, thank you so much. You're a sweetie. Thanks for spreading the word!
I wish I could do more to help Gucci. Right now things are tight on my end, it sucks big time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I find work soon otherwise it's back in the army for this guy.
My fingers are crossed for you too, baby. I hope you find something quick.
I'm not holding my breath I started filling out the paperwork for the military
Well, let's see... I'm sorry about a lot of things here so let's get started and get it all outta the way.
First, I'm sorry I haven't dropped by your site and everyone else's (my own, included) for so goddamn long. I was supposed to get back into the blogging world after the cruise but instead I got hijacked by my Dad and the responsibility of moving his shit out of his house for the last four weeks. I was so drained, every night, that when I finally got my dragging ass home, I was too tired to poop, wank off or get on the internet.
Also sorry to hear about Stephanie's friend, Renee. I read the posts about her story on the Gucci site. Wish I could donate but I'm all tapped out since our trip.
And again, sorry to hear your job issue. I know how freaking tough it is to find work in this economy... whether you're up there in Canada or down here in the States. As I've said before, if you do go back into the military, I hope you stay safe.
What a fucked up world we live in. Try to take care, dude.
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